I had to say it as our plane touched down, even though I knew Keith would roll his eyes. “London, baby, YEAH!” Because, come on, we’re in London, baby!
Our flight out of Chicago went very smoothly. We flew British Airways, and they bumped us a class to business. Not first class (who, by the way, had true to life fold-out beds, divine), but it was an extra 7 inches better than economy. We had personal screens for watching movies or television shows (6 movies to choose from, I watched Junebug and Keith watched King Kong.), a personal pillow and blanket, and a packet of socks, an eye mask for sleeping, a toothbrush and toothpaste. We were served complimentary wine (which, yuck) and a meal that was actually delicious. I quite fancied it (see, I learned that in London).
Our flight got in 40 minutes early, and then we took a 3-hour ride in to our hotel. We literally took the tube, a bus, and a taxi to get in to the city. The tube line we needed was closed down for the weekend, and it was awful. Keith was super carsick. I was just hot and tired - awake 24 hours at this point, and dragging 300 pounds (literally) was exhausting. Once we made it to the hotel, it was a quick clean-up and out to see the town.
Because someone (me) left their Travel Card in the hotel, we walked the city on foot on Saturday night. We started out on Oxford and walked into Soho, then Chinatown, then on to Trafalgar Square. We passed a long list of historic English buildings (documented in photos) and ended up at Buckingham Palace. We finished the evening with curry and shepherd’s pie at a pub, then back to the hotel for 12 hours of dead-to-the world sleep. Laura and the boys called around bedtime, and they seem to be holding up okay for now.
Sunday we slept in, and then headed to the tube for a quick ride to the market. We ate lunch at the market, and browsed the amazing clothes, bags and shoes (no purchases). We walked to the Columbia flower market, then back to the tube for a ride to the Tower of London. We had a guided tour, and learned all about its history. We saw the Crown Jewels (very cool), the coronation gown of Elizabeth 2 (also cool), and walked around the walls of the Tower. Afterwards we tubed over to the London Eye, rested for a while on the grass, walked across London Bridge, then tubed back to Soho for dinner (an Irish pub this time, with sausages and colcannon for Keith, and salmon for me). We took one more tube ride to St. Paul’s Cathedral, walked to Somerset House, then tubed back to the hotel.
Have I bored you yet with all this sight-seeing? Wait until you see all the pictures.
Tomorrow we’re leaving the hotel around 10 AM, and back to Heathrow for a 1 PM flight to Kazakhstan. We both have jangly nerves, even the stoic husband. We’ve enjoyed London immensely. And tubing, what a great idea! I love the public transportation.
I sure miss the kids, but I’m not breaking down yet. It’s been a nice little holiday to traipse around the city without worrying about the boys. Owen would sure love riding the tube, but I can’t imagine putting them through the walking and sight-seeing we’ve done.
It may take us a day to get connected to the Internet in Kazakhstan, so don’t worry if you don’t hear from us tomorrow (or it could be that we’re looking for a connection that doesn’t cost $30, like it does here at the hotel, ouch). As soon as we’re hooked up, I’ll be back. (Betsy, I have the book – haven’t opened it yet, am saving for Almaty.)
Things I learned about London:
- Always stay at a hotel near a tube station.
- Bring a lot of money, because London is expensive. One pound equals two dollars, but everything is priced just like the US (a pub meal is 8.95 pounds for a burger and fries, but convert that into dollars and you’re eating a $20 hamburger).
- The people are really into fashion, but weird fashion. They wear a lot of layers, ripped up, nothing matches, and yet they manage to always look fabulous.
- Heathrow may be called a London airport, but it’s like an hour away. So, yuck.
- Don’t order ice tea in London.
- Keith not only gets carsick and airsick, he also gets tube-sick (not really about London, but had to be noted).
Pictures are slow to upload, but click on the Flickr button on the left hand side of the page to scroll through our photos.
Dear Owen and Ari,
Are you having fun with Nini and Mam? We are taking one more airplane ride and then we will get to meet Eva. We can’t wait to show her your picture! Remember, we took the snake toy with the beads for her to play with. And Owen, remember when you picked out the baby books to send to her? As soon as we meet her, we can show you a picture of your sister. Then after a little while we will bring her home to you. Mommy and Daddy sure miss you guys a lot. Have fun with Nini and Mam, and we love you big as the whole world.
Notes from Keith:
Keith approves this message with this exception: I do not get carsick, airsick, and tubesick. Carsick is a given, but only when not driving. I got sick on the plane do to the trifecta of a Big Mac, plane lasagna, and cheap wine, not so much the ride. Believe it or not dragging 200lbs of luggage up and down steps and onto hot trains and busses does not make you less sick. Alright, maybe I was planesick, but I never recovered enough to confirm tubesickness.
Sounds like you are having a GREAT time!!! Can't wait to hear about your meeting Eva!
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