Groundhog Day

About three days ago I hurt my back somehow, no idea how, but I've been in awful pain since then. I'm living on Tylenol and Advil. Some of the other Americans suggested that I try the hotel masseuse. I resisted for a few days, because I've had one other massage in my life, and I hated it. It was some weird guy who was all New Agey and kept ringing a gong throughout the massage. But I finally relented, due to the pain, and booked a massage yesterday with the lady masseuse. She worked on my back for about 45 minutes, and it cost $12. Not a bad deal! But I still am not a massage person. It either tickled or

Today is our last official day of bonding with Eva. Tomorrow we can apply for court. We are anticipating a court date of 6/30, this upcoming Friday. I'd love to have it even sooner, but probably not possible. There are three American families all applying tomorrow for court. The crowd here will be thinning out in about a week, ourselves hopefully included!
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